The British-Italian Society and the Society for Italian Studies have announced the latest winners of the biennial BIS Student Prizes.

The winner of the 2024 Postgraduate Prize (£500) is George Brocklehurst of the Warburg Institute for his PhD chapter, Convivial Humanism: Giovanni Pontano on the Art of Living Together.

The 2024 Undergraduate Prize (£250) was awarded to Eleanor Summers of St Andrews University for her dissertation on The Italian Tomato as Living Cultural Artefact.

A runner-up award at Postgraduate level (£200) went to George Rayson of Cambridge University for his PhD chapter on Dante’s Hapax Legomena in the Commedia: A Study of Poetic Singularity.

A runner-up award at Undergraduate level (£100) was made to Isabel Winter of Cambridge University for her dissertation on Second Generation Italian HipHop.

The reviewers considered both runners-up to have produced academic work of exceptional merit. 

The competition again attracted a large number of entries (10) from students at British and Irish Universities on a wide range of Italian cultural themes. The judges strongly commended the winners for producing highly innovative and well-argued pieces of scholarship. 

Our warmest congratulations go to all the prize-winners, who also receive one year’s honorary membership of the British-Italian Society.
We look forward to welcoming them to an event in 2025!