Fondato nel 1995
Breakfast con Professor Luca Enriques
L’Italia ed il rapporto con gli investitori internazionali
Giovedì 10 ottobre 2024 dalle 8.30 alle 10.00
presso l’Armourers Hall, 81 Coleman Street, EC2R 5BJ
Carissimi Amici,
il 10 ottobre ritorniamo ad incontrarci di persona con un ospite di grande rilievo, il Professor Luca Enriques. Commissario Consob tra il 2007 eil 2012, oggi Professore di Corporate Law ad Oxford presso la Faculty of Law e Visiting Professor alla Bocconi.
Negli ultimi anni l’Italia è stata al centro di diverse partite finanziarie che hanno visto come protagonisti gli investitori internazionali, sia nel campo del private che del public equity. A che punto è l’Italia nel offrire agli investitori internazionali un quadro regolamentare favorevole o meno? Di questo, e molto altro, parleremo con il Professor Enriques, che sarà a disposizione dopo il suo intervento per un’ampia sessione di Q&A.
L’appuntamento è per giovedi 10 ottobre nelle sale dell’Armourers Hall dalle 8,30 alle 10.00 .
Per i soci dei Club gemellati il costo è di £20 e di £25 per gli Ospiti da effettuare prima dell’incontro tramite le solite modalità (vedi sotto).
Per ogni informazione in merito fatte riferimento direttamente a Sidney Celia Ross, Direttore Generale.
L’incontro inizierà alle 08,30 (UK TIME), vi pregherei di arrivare un poco prima per un caffè e cominciare puntuali.
Vi aspettiamo numerosi.
Cordiali saluti
Giovanni Sanfelice di Monteforte, Presidente
Bank transfer:
Account 30321082 in the name of Business Club Italia
Santander UK plc, sort code 09 01 54
Credit card:
Telefonare a Sidney Celia Ross +44 (0)7956 581081 (please do not put your credit card number in an email)
BIO Professor Luca Enriques
Luca Enriques is Professor of Corporate Law, in association with Jesus College. He studied law at the University of Bologna before completing his LLM at Harvard Law School and working at the Bank of Italy while at the same time earning a Doctorate degree in Business Law at Bocconi University. He then became a member of the University of Bologna Faculty of Law (1999-2012). During that period, he was a consultant to Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton and an adviser to the Italian Ministry of the Economy and Finance on matters relating to corporate, banking and securities law with a special focus on European Union policy initiatives. He was a Commissioner at Consob, the Italian Securities and Exchange Commission between 2007 and 2012 and Professor of Business Law at LUISS University, Department of Law, in Rome in 2013-14.
He has held visiting appointments at various academic institutions including Harvard Law School, where he was Nomura Visiting Professor of International Financial Systems (2012-13), Cornell Law School (where he was a John Olin Fellow for short stays in 1999 and 2000), the Instituto de Impresa in Madrid (2005), the Radzyner School of Law at the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya (2013-14), the University of Cambridge Faculty of Law (2015), Columbia Law School (2016 and 2019), the University of Sydney Law School (2019), and Bocconi University (2023-).
He has published widely in the fields of company law, corporate governance and financial regulation. He is a European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI) Research Fellow, a member of ECGI’s board, a Fellow Academic Member of the European Banking Institute, where he co-chairs its FinTech Task Force, and one of the founding academic editors of the Oxford Business Law Blog.
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tel. + 44 20 7937 5360 m + 44 (0)7956 581081
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