A Visit to the British Library to view the Exhibition Leonardo da Vinci: A Mind in Motion With an introductory talk by Co-Curator Stephen Parkin

To mark the 500th anniversary of the death of Leonardo da Vinci, The British Library has brought together highlights from three of his remarkable notebooks. Through pages of Leonardo’s handwritten notes, drawings and diagrams, prepare to explore the inner workings of his complex mind and his fascination with motion – which Leonardo considered to be ‘the cause of all life’.

For the first time in the UK, the exhibition displays highlights from one of the British Library’s finest treasures, the Codex Arundel, alongside the Codex Forster from the V&A and a selection of sheets from the Codex Leicester. Widely considered to be one of Leonardo’s most important scientific notebooks, the Codex Leicester will be shown in this country for the first time since it was purchased by Bill Gates.

See Leonardo’s mirror handwriting up close; marvel at his detailed studies of natural phenomena, especially water; admire his intricate drawings of such things as an underwater breathing apparatus; and study his observations on subjects as varied as the formation of waves and air bubbles, river flow, the velocity of wind, and the nature of light and shadow.

As your journey through the exhibition concludes, studies for Leonardo’s famous painting, the Virgin of the Rocks, reveal how his observations of nature in motion directly informed his ability to portray human movement in the artistic masterpieces for which he is known today.

Stephen Parkin, Curator of the Printed Heritage Collections, and Co-Curator of the Leonardo Exhibition will give us a short introduction and an overview of the exhibition with the opportunity to ask questions.

Stephen’s talk will start promptly at 4pm, followed by a tour of the Exhibition at 4.30pm (timed entry slot). Please meet us in the lobby of the British Library at 3.50pm.

You will be very welcome to join us for a summer aperitivo at a nearby bar afterwards.


Please note that the ticket covers the talk and entry to the Exhibition only: drinks will need to be purchased individually

If paying via bank transfer please quote reference: DAVINCI

More information on the exhibition: https://www.bl.uk/events/leonardo-da-vinci-a-mind-in-motion#

Friday 05 July 2019